"Why are you still searching, as if I'm not enough?" from By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North
Is this what I'm doing?
So I like stories. I like to read a lot, but I have the hardest time putting down a book if I haven't finished it yet. Even if I can tell that story is going somewhere I don't want to go there's this part of me that wants to stubbornly hang on to the bitter end.
Sometimes I'll get a hankering for a specific type of story and I'll search the online stories for that type. Unfortunately I can find a ton of stories just similar enough to what I'm looking for that they'll pop up in the browser, but still be completely different then what I want. Once I start reading it, I can see the story is not what I was looking for and, in fact, is basically trash, but as my oldest sister once described a book series she was reading, "It's like a train wreck, terrible to see, but you just keep reading to see what's going to happen - fascinated despite yourself."
So when this song, By Your Side, played for me the other day this line really stood out. "Why are you still searching, as if I'm not enough?" Is this what I'm doing? When I go looking for these specific stories that I can't ever find as I searching through fiction instead of with God?
I don't believe fiction is inherently wrong. God gave us creativity and Jesus even used stories to help us understand different concepts in his teachings. However, if the story is coming between us and God or if it is leading us astray then there is something wrong there. I will keep enjoying fiction stories, but I pray God will help me turn to him to fill my needs and longings instead of a story and I pray he will help me set aside the trash.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Philippians 4:8